Cottage Garden shades
Summer is in full effect here at Bowhay House and even by the time I have made first coffee, the light is a bit strong for subtle plant photography. So, it’s up with the lark (and house martins in the case of our place) and out with the camera at VERY early light. It’s always worth it though… Here are some of this morning’s show-offs; My favourite Allium (at the moment) atropurpureum, Astrantia ‘Roma’ (a gift from the excellent Old Court Nurseries in Malvern), Lupins that appeared from nowehere in the garden, and a rather amazing Geranium, (Geranium × magnificum I think?)… It gets very big and flops a bit, but flowers like mad!
I love how the garden changes so quickly at this time of year, and I’m hoping that with the ‘successional planting’ I will have much more to shoot as the month goes on. Hollyhocks are looking like they will be big this year, The roses look like they will be fab (plenty of feed during the spring) and there are plenty of lots of perennials to come (Asters, Helenium, Rudbeckia for example).
I have seen an advanced copy of my book, ‘A New Cottage Garden’ and it looks lovely (thanks to Pimpernel Press)… advance orders are being taken by Amazon (link to the book here)and it will appear in bookshops in early august. And Country Living are doing 4 seasonal extracts over the next year so I am very grateful to them.