Summer is in full effect here at Bowhay House and even by the time I have made first coffee, the light is a bit strong for subtle plant photography. So, it’s up with the lark (and house martins in the case of our place) and out with the camera at VERY early light. It’s always worth it though… Here are some of this morning’s show-offs; My favourite Allium (at the moment) atropurpureum, Astrantia ‘Roma’ (a gift from the excellent Old Court Nurseries in Malvern), Lupins that appeared from nowehere in the garden, and a rather amazing Geranium, (Geranium × magnificum I think?)… It gets very big and flops a bit, but flowers like mad!
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Dartington Hall, near to where I live in Devon, is a 14th century great hall with elaborate gardens. It’s well-known for its dedication to the arts, education, and sustainability, and hosts festivals, concerts, and exhibitions. In the autumn mists, with all the muted colours and magnificent specimen trees, it’s a beautiful garden to photograph, packed with seasonal interest and atmospheric vignettes. I took my trusty Billingham bag, packed with a Fuji X-T4 with various lenses and had a lovely morning wandering along the paths and terraces.
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I thought I’d give a quick review of the Fuji X-T4 camera that I have recently acquired. I have had many other Fujis over the years, including the X-T1 and 2, so I know my way round them, and have found them excellent. I have had one or other of these cameras around my neck for a few years now, mostly whilst either travelling, or documenting my local patch ( a lot of the time in the pub!). I often shoot gardens for magazines, but until now have really just used my Canon 5D4 with a range of lenses.
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